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Kitchen Yoga

At Salamba Yoga, we are huge proponents of props – after all, “salamba” means “with support”! However, we also understand that affordable props are not always accessible but if we take a closer look at our surroundings, we would find that walls, counters, windowsills, doors other household objects can act as a perfect prop for our yoga practice.

One such place that’s full of easily available props is your kitchen. Yes, you read it right, it’s your kitchen. This blog will shed light on how to do some yoga asanas in your kitchen area, in between cooking your favorite recipes.

Ardha Uttanasana/Half Forward Fold:

Ardha Uttanasna is a good starting posture – it relaxes the back and brings a sense of calm and relaxation as you move into other asanas. Use your kitchen counter to move into this pose to help loosen up your lower back and stretch your hamstrings. Here are some instructions to move in and out of the posture:

Parsvottanasana/Intense Side Stretch Posture:

Use your kitchen counter to do this “kitchen” variation of the posture which really works on stretching internal rotators of the shoulder joint. You need a kitchen counter and a water bottle to do this yoga asana.

Trikonasana /Triangle Posture:

Triangle posture is a good groin opener and gives good exercise to the trunk provided we do it correctly. The kitchen counter can be used again to gain nice length in back of the legs and to feel opening in the rib cage area. Trunk elongation becomes easy in this “kitchen” variation.

Parsvakonasana/Side Angle Posture:

Side angle posture is an effective pose that brings mobility in the hips and strengthens the lower body joints. The kitchen counter provides a good support to do this yoga asana.

Kapotasana/Standing Pigeon Posture:

Problems like sciatica and lumbago are easy to manage with the standing pigeon stretch. It releases the tensions from the piriformis muscle and also provides relief from the piriformis syndrome. We will use the kitchen counter again for this pose, however, if the counter height is too much for you, you may use a stool or blocks to adjust. If that is the case, make sure that the floor is not slippery and perhaps use a yoga mat to keep the stool from slipping.

Urdhva Marichayasaana/Standing Twist Posture

This posture provides a good hamstring stretch along with a thoracic twist. The kitchen countercan be used for this yoga asana as well.

We hope you found our cues helpful and make this a part of your kitchen routine.

We are currently offering online yoga teacher training courses and personalized online yoga classes, group and individual. Contact us today for more information or to book your complimentary initial consultation.

Salamba Yoga also conducts yoga teacher trainings and retreats in Nepal and India. Our yoga courses are designed carefully to cater to the needs of different individuals in a method centric way. Prop usage and yoga adjustments are an important part of our yoga programs. For more information on yoga courses in Nepal click here.